August 09, 2015

Extreme Classroom Makeover - Back to School Edition

I think if they had a show on television about extreme classroom make-overs, I would be the perfect host.  I am addicted to watching HGTV and DIY home makeover shows.  Since, I actually live in an itty-bitty apartment, this is a true suck of my time.  But, I can't help it.  You should see me running around my apartment trying out all the cute ideas I see on the episodes.  I am DYING to paint the cabinets in my bathroom and kitchen.  My Pinterest obsession doesn't help either.  I'm embarrassed to say how many Pinterest fails I have tallied up.  OMG, if I actually owned a house, I would to totally be rocking a sledge hammer every summer.

This year I'm kind of bummed because I won't have a classroom of my own to organize and decorate. This is killing me!  I'm so obsessed that I've offered to help set up other teachers' classes this year. I might be coming to a classroom near you...haha!  I might need an intervention...

Here are some helpful tips in setting up your classroom...

1 - Start with a color scheme - select a few basic colors

2 - Zone Your Room - make sure you have a place for everything and everything has a place

3 - Sketch it Out - put it on paper before you move anything

4 - Container R Us - make sure you have everything accessible and labeled.

5 - Hide the rest - if it's not needed daily find a creative way to hide what you're not using

Sit back and enjoy a classroom that partners with you in teaching and reaching kids!

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July 21, 2015

On the blog again, I just can't wait to get on the blog again...

Wow! I can't believe summer is more than half over.

I've ALMOST forgotten how tired I was from last year and I'm beginning to bubble with excitement about the new faces I'll meet. I've even more excited about getting to set up my classroom. Yup, I'm one of THOSE teachers.I love setting up my classroom each year and I would start in July if I could. It kills me to have to wait for the custodians to finish waxing the floor and then have to literally wait for the wax to dry.Ugggh!!! It kills me every year!

This year, I am taking on a new position as a "Specials" teacher.  I am truly excited because I'll be getting to teach technology to kids at a STEM academy.  I will also get to serve as a mentor teacher on my new campus.  This means I also get to do what I love by helping teachers.  I almost want to pinch myself.  I get to work with K-5 teachers in their classrooms developing engaging academic lessons.  I'm so excited to work with so many teachers and their different instructional styles.  I want my passion for teaching kids to be contagious.

What are you planning to do before the summer ends?