December 05, 2011

Up for air...Head Just Above Water

Okay it's been forever since my last post, but life happens. I have been barely keeping my head above water this year. I feel like a new teacher all over again. Since I'm in a new grade level, I have to learn what are grade appropriate expectations. Our district has also adopted a new curriculum approach to planning and collaboration. I see where they want us to be, but it's H-E-Double Hockey Sticks trying to get there. We already worked so hard to give the best to our students and this process has doubled the amount of paperwork is very time consuming. I barely have time left to prep for daily lessons and activities. I literally don't sleep some nights because I don't feel like my students are getting what I feel they need. All I can do is what I'm told and pray for the rest.

On a brighter note, I've been working with a group of kiddos that make me SMILE! I work with low income, minority kids and I have the best job in the world. My kids recently entered a Lego League competition and placed to go on to regional competition. This is the first time our school has entered the robotics competition and we're so proud of them. I love that they are enjoying the process and are not driven by competitiveness. I'm amazed that some of our kids had never even played with legos prior to this experience. Our elementary students competed at a local college against kids in middle school and this was the first time they or their parents had ever been on a campus. They asked a lot of questions and spoke with college students and alumni. It is very possible that this experience was life-altering for them. This is why I teach - to make a difference!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing the hopes and dreams these experiences can establish in our kids :) Thanks for sharing! Hope you come back to blogging world soon, you've got some GREAT stuff on here
